The only other trips of note were down to the Weymouth area. Hilda's nephew shot down in the week to see the Stilt Sandpiper and Least Sandpiper at Lodmoor, followed by the Wryneck on Portland and the Woodchat Shrike in Gloucs. With nothing else around for the Saturday trip, Hilda's nephew came down again for an almost repeat trip with myself and The Stalker (no lying on the settee whinging his balls off for the lad - Hilda would be so proud). Unfortunately, the trip was to end in bitter disappointment and arguing, as there was no sign of the Stilt Sandpiper. However all the other birds showed absolutely fantastically and it was a belter of a trip.
This video is taken by Lord Lichfield. I have to point this out as I'm sick of getting threatening letters from his management company now when I don't credit his videos.
This video is by me.
Other than a trip to Norfolk for the PGTips dip, when there were a total of five Clayheads on site, nothing much else happened.